A logo for life in spectrum with two hands and the words life in spectrum
Life Time Achievement
December 6, 2023

Tillykke til Helle Barner Jespersen, der til Sail Training Internationals årlige konferencen fik tildelt en fin pris for sit engagement i sejltræning og videreførelsen af traditioner med særligt fokus på de unge.

A woman in a suit and tie is holding a trophy.

“Helle started her sailing career in 1982. Whilst she has worked on many different sailing vessels, to most people she are synonymous with one particular, Georg Stage (Denmark), where over the years she has fulfilled almost all positions from trainee, quartermaster, mate, chief mate and on one trip that of captain.

A key member of the Danish national sail training organisation and a huge supporter of Sail Training International and The Tall Ships Races, over the years she has played a big part in ensuring that Georg Stage took part in the Tall Ships Races, and she has been a great advocate for crew exchanges amongst the participating fleet and all the benefits such an experience brings.”

March 23, 2025
Bliv medlem af DSTA for kun 250 kr. de første to år
January 8, 2025
Hvert år uddeler Sail Training International priser til organisationer, byer, skibe eller enkelte personer, der har gjort en helt særlig indsats for sail training. Stort tillykke til Asbjørn med prisen som Sail Training Volunteer of the Year!
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